OBS Studio consumes a lot of my CPU while I'm streaming or recording, how can I reduce the load ?Ī) Every recent Intel, AMD processor and AMD graphics card has a hardware video encoder that can take the load off the CPU. OBS Studio is available in the main Debian repos and can be installed with:įAQ Q.
Output footage in a variety of formats and qualities, using either a handful of presets, or using your own custom specifications for properties such as format, bitrate, resolution, framerate, etc. Rearrange objects within your scene in real time without having to restart the stream.
Mix and add filters to your audio and video sources in real time. Set up multiple "scenes" that you can switch between on the fly, including transitions that play when changing. Audio and video sources are added separately, so you can have video from a source, but not the audio, and audio from another source, without any video attached to it, and combine them together in real time for your output file/stream. Capable of capturing footage from your own screen or external hardware such as capture cards, cameras, etc. Record footage to a file, or stream it live to a variety of services or even your own custom server. Add PiP (picture in picture) objects such as titles, overlay one video source such as a webcam on top of another video source, etc. Note: This is not an exhaustive list of everything OBS is capable of, but I'll try to touch on the major features. The project is being actively developed and benefits of the expertise of the community but also from the video broadcasting industry. It can record from multiple sources simultaneously and overlay or combine them into a single output to a streaming platform. Launch terminal window and run following command to add PPA repository for FFMPEG.OBS Studio is free and popular open source video capturing and mixing software. In order to proceed with OBS installation, please make sure you have ffmpeg installed on your ubuntu system. Lets see how we can install this beautiful piece of software to our ubuntu system. Support for capture devices like webcams. High performance game streaming capabilities.
Both MP4 or FLV as file output supported formats. RTMP streaming features to popular sites like Twitch, YouTube, DailyMotion, Hitbox. No cap on the number of scenes and sources. Quick Sync Video (QSV) and NVENC support. Here are important feature of this freeware: We will be reviewing its prominent features and installation process on Ubuntu Linux 15.04 today. Today, it is considered an essential component of computer system if you like to record or stream videos on your workstation. It started as a small project but got popularity due to its stability and easy of use. It’s absolutely free, feature rich application. Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) is free, open source, cross platform video recording and live streaming software.